Have healthy hair?

1. Is your hair naturally:
Straight (3 pts)
Wavy (2 pts)
Curly (1 pts)

2. Is your hair:
Short (4 pts)
Chin length (3 pts)
Shoulder length (2 pts)
Long (1 pts)

3. How would you describe the state of your hair?
Dry (1 pts)
Greasy (2 pts)
Normal to dry (3 pts)
Normal to greasy (4 pts)
Normal (5 pts)

4. When you wash your hair, do you use a conditioner?
Always (10 pts)
Every other time (5 pts)
On special occasion (2 pts)
Never (0 pts)

5. When you brush your hair, you:
Always find a few strands of hair on the brush (5 pts)
Always find a lot of strands on the brush (2 pts)
Always find hair on the brush but the quantity varies from a few to a lot (1 pts)

6. How often do you use a hairdryer?
Never, I always let my hair dry naturally (8 pts)
Sometimes (5 pts)
Every time I wash my hair (1 pts)

7. Without styling products, how does your hair behave?
Full of volume and movement (8 pts)
OK, but slightly unmanageable (5 pts)
Limp, fine and thin (1 pts)

8. Does your hair do what you want it to when you don’t use styling products?
Never (1 pts)
Most of the time (5 pts)
Always (8 pts)

9. Does it do what you want it to when you use styling products?
Never (1 pts)
Most of the time (5 pts)
Always (8 pts)

10. How often do you perm of relax your hair in a year?
Once (4 pts)
Twice (3 pts)
Three times (2 pts)
More than three times (1 pts)
Never (8 pts)

11. How often do you dye, bleach or highlight your hair each year?
Once (4 pts)
Twice (3 pts)
Three times (2 pts)
More than three times (1 pts)
Never (8 pts)

12. The ends of your hair are:
The same as at the roots (5 pts)
Slightly thinner and dryer than the roots (3 pts)
Listless with obvious split ends (1 pts)

13. How often do you use heated styling tools?
Several times a month (2 pts)
Once a month or less (4 pts)
At least once a week (1 pts)
Never (8 pts)

The Results:

If you scored under 23 points
Your hair is definitely damaged! Time to do something about it!

If you scored between 23 and 63 points
Your hair’s neither healthy nor very damaged but it’s beginning to show one or more signs of unhealthy tresses.

If you scored between 63 and 88 points
Congratulations! You’ve got really healthy hair! Stick to what you’re doing to maintain its luster.