Over-achiever or simple slacker

Do you rush to finish your school assignments three weeks before it’s due? Or do you sit slouched looking out of the windows every time a class is in session? To find out what kind of student you are, take the quiz!

1. Looking back at the previous year at school, you feel that:
A) There was definitely room for improvement
B) You rose to the occasion and performed pretty brilliantly
C) You did your work only because you wanted to get on with being a year older
D) You did barely enough to scrape through

2. In the mornings on the bus to school, you:
A) Fantasize about going on a solo date with your crush
B) Sleep
C) Read your favorite magazine
D) Try to get a head start in class by pulling out a textbook to read

3. You’re on a bus, which is caught in bumper-to-bumper traffic, what do you do?
A) Cuss and make a fuss about how idiotic the whole situation is
B) Listen to your Walkman and read your favorite magazine
C) Buzz the door open, get off the bus, and head home
D) Sit tight and accept the fact that you’ll be late for the appointment

4. The exams are just round the corner, and you:
A) Are relaxing, having done all the legwork months ago
B) Find yourself saying, “Ah, sure die lah.” and not making the slightest effort to revise
C) Don’t fell threatened because you know how to use your writing skills to whip up three pages of fluff
D) Rush through a 10 meter high stack of notes two days before the papers begin

5. What does an “A1” mean to you?
A) You believe that there’s no escaping hard work and that grades are a gauge of how well one does to overcome this challenge in life
B) More hard work, but only if mum and dad will buy me a computer in return
C) It’s your mission in life. After all, to you, it is the one and only path to a bigger and brighter future
D) After knowing what and how much your classmates go through to get the grade, you think, “Forget it!”

6. When do you settle down to start on schoolwork at home?
A) You don’t have a clue what time you actually do
B) About half an hour before bedtime
C) Immediately after you get back from school
D) After having your meal and some time to unwind

7. If you fell sick for a week, what do you think would happen once you got back to school?
A) You’ll be worried sick about having a bunch of tests and homework to take and catch up with
B) Nothing’s going to happen
C) You know there’ll be some struggle up ahead in catching up, but it’s okay

8. During the school holidays, you:
A) Go all out and have nothing but fun, fun and fun
B) Don’t do much – watch TV, go out for meals, sleep…
C) Go, “Holidays? When? You mean now? Are you sure?”
D) Do the things that you never had the time for, like spending time with your family and friends, and taking things easy
E) Go travel and have fun, but also bring along some school assignments

9. During recess, you make use of the time to:
A) Meet with friends and gossip about the latest class couplings, fashion, movies, etc
B) Run to the teachers’ room and try to clarify doubts you have with work
C) Have a mind blowing game of basketball
D) Have food and drink while discussing schoolwork

10. How do you feel about staying up past midnight for schoolwork?
A) Yes, you don’t mind, but only if there is urgent work that needs to be done
B) No way. Nine o’clock is bedtime
C) Sometimes, as long as it doesn’t become a habit
D) Always, because you feel a need to push away and ahead from the class

11. How do you usually dress for an outing?
A) Formal: dress, slacks, collared shirt, heels, dress shoes
B) Casual: t-shirt, jeans, sneakers
C) Hip: borrowed foreign style clothing and accessories
D) Ultra-casual: old school PE shirt, shorts, flip flops

Your score
  A B C D E
1 1 4 3 2  
2 2 1 3 4  
3 4 2 1 3  
4 4 1 2 3  
5 3 2 4 1 1
6 3 1 4 2  
7 3 1 2    
8 3 1 0 2 4
9 2 4 1 3  
10 3 1 2 4  
11 4 2 3 1  

So, if your score is…

14 and below
Oh no! You are indeed the master of slack, letting everything slip and slide by faster than anyone can say “Jack”. You sure know how to put the brakes on life to stop and smell the roses. You’re so easy going that nothing seems to be of concern, with even exams failing to scare. Maybe you suffer from low self-esteem, or have a lot of distractions that cause you to view school as unappealing and unimportant. But, don’t be a fool to think that such laissez faire attitude will only last as long as you have to don a uniform, for the truth is that it will follow you a distance beyond the school’s portals. Instead of regretting later on in life for not making the most of your schooling years, it’s a good idea to start looking for that something that will motivate you now; it could be a specific subject or activity that you can be good at. Whatever it may be; savoring the fruit of your own labor will be a good starting point to get yourself back on track.

Between 15 and 23
School is probably not as important to you as others think it is. You’re probably fortunate enough to have a special talent or someone to provide you that much breathing space. Since it’s of no consequences, which way the performance scales are tipped, you engage yourself in other activities possibly more interesting and practical than those at school. Still, you’re a little complacent and don’t take it seriously. The question you should ask yourself is how long the party will be able to sustain itself? There is nothing to lose but everything to gain if you decide to put more effort into academia.

Between 24 and 36
You are a dedicated student capable of good results. You basically know when you need to get going, and how to achieve the desired results. You do have a sense of urgency and a balanced daily life. But, the problem is that you need a lot of egging on and rewards to get moving. If there’s a lack of motivation (like presents or the fear of thrashing a paper), you’ll just let it slip by. Both your parents and teachers usually get on your case, because you aren’t performing up to your max capability. If you express a higher level of commitment to the book, the world just might be yours…

Over 36
They call guys and girls like you nerds, you know? But if you look past the labeling, you’re truly an over zealous worker with a lot of drive. You’re a responsible individual who will stop at nothing for success. Working round the clock, neither failure nor incompletion is an option. Going so far, you may forget that your teenage years are about having fun as well. Don’t bury yourself with so much work that it puts your health at risk. Just remember to take some time to chill and you’ll be okay. All work and no play makes Jack and Jill a very dull people.