Are you a slob?

Are you a neatness freak or a slob? Do you need to clean up your act? Take this quiz and find out.

1. You’re in a rush to meet a friend and your hair is a mess – spiky and greasy. What do you do?
a. Call to cancel or delay the appointment.
b. Have a quick shower and restyle your hair.
c. Hide it under a cap.
d. What mess? That’s how you always wear your hair.

2. How do you pay your mobile phone bill?
a. Switch companies when they threaten to cut your line after frequent reminders about unpaid bills.
b. Beg or borrow from your parents.
c. Every two or three months just before your line is cut.
d. Promptly every month once you receive your bill.

3. Your friends are coming over to your house for a class project and your room is a mess. You would:
a. Keep your room door locked at all times.
b. Spend the previous day dusting and cleaning your room until it looks fantastic.
c. Shove as much of the mess as you can into the cupboard and tidy the room up so it looks presentable.
d. Keep the lighting in the room dim so your friends can’t see the mess.
e. Con them all into clearing up the mess for you.

4. What do you carry in your school bag?
a. A half eaten chocolate, smelly T-shirt from last week and three used hankies.
b. Every stationery you can name, spare notebooks and most of your textbooks just in case.
c. Essential stationery, textbooks for the day and umbrella.
d. Nothing much, just a pen and liquid paper and a writing pad. The rest you can borrow.

5. To you the safety pin is:
a. An important part of emergency kit you carry with you.
b. Something that’s essential to all your outfits with missing buttons.
c. Things, which you have no use for.
d. A high fashion accessory.

6. Be honest. Your nails are:
a. Long talons.
b. Slightly long but clean.
c. Dirty and uneven.
d. Neat and short.

7. How many of the following have you gone out wearing: holes in your jeans, tears in your shoes, a runny nose, safety pins in your pants, a stain on your shirt, a food smudge on your face, crumpled shirt, smelly socks and old underwear?
a. More than eight.
b. Between five and seven.
c. Between two and four.
d. Less than two.

8. What does your room look like?
a. Very neat. You make your bed every morning and put everything away in its proper place after you finish using it.
b. Decent on most days except for some unfolded clothes and the occasionally unmade bed.
c. Half eaten pizza, spider webs, clothes on the floor and smelly clothes everywhere.
d. Magazines on the floor, yesterday’s clothes in a corner, unmade bed and dusty shelves.

9. What do you usually talk about?
a. Serious debate on current affairs.
b. The latest gossip.
c. Anything that comes to mind.
d. Problems with homework.
e. Dirty jokes and the latest TV series.

10. A good-looking classmate asks you out for dinner but all your decent clothes are dirty or in the wash. Do you:
a. Refuse politely.
b. Sniff everything and wear the least smelly thing after airing it out.
c. Say you don’t feel like going out and ask him/her to have a quick drink at the neighborhood coffee shop.
d. Wear anything you can get your hands on like shorts and a shirt.

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
a. Two minutes – just a splash of water on your face and you’re ready.
b. Five minutes to brush your teeth.
c. 10 minutes to have a quick shower and comb your hair.
d. Half an hour to brush, floss, have a shower and style your hair.

12. How often do you clean your room?
a. When you’ve run out of clothes.
b. When your friends come over.
c. If you can no longer see the floor.
d. Once a week.
e. When mold starts to grow over your dirty socks and half eaten food.

  A B C D E
1 1 3 4 3  
2 4 4 3 1  
3 2 1 4 3 2
4 4 2 1 3  
5 2 4 1 3  
6 3 2 4 1  
7 4 3 2 1  
8 1 2 4 3  
9 1 4 3 2 4
10 1 4 2 3  
11 4 3 2 1  
12 4 2 4 1 5

Between 12 and 20
You are definitely a neatness freak. Keeping up your ultra tidy habit seems like a lot of hard work and not a lot of fun. But you seem to think all the exhausting work is worth it as long as at the end of the day your room looks like it’s clean enough to eat off the floor. Loosen up a little. A little dust and dirt is OK. Don’t make neatness an obsession.

Between 21 and 30
You obviously don’t let a little dirt drive you mad. Although you like things neat and tidy, you do realize that there is more to life than well-pressed clothes. Although you make an effort to keep things clean, you wouldn’t sacrifice a Saturday night out to tidy your room.

Between 31 and 40
Scored mostly threes? Your mum probably complaints about your room but no one can actually call you dirty. You know how to hide your mess well and will occasionally tidy things up when things get out of hand. You’ve got too many things to do, too many parties to enjoy, to worry about dirty clothes.

Between 41 and 49
Boy... are you a slob. But you are an honest one. And to be this honest you must have a sense of humor and are fun to be with. Although your friends may find you a bit scruffy, they love you for your no-fuss nature. Now you know why your friends never borrow your clothes and politely decline to have a sleep over in your room.