How to cope with stress?

Tests. Crushes. Deadlines. Stead. Parents. Clothes. Friends. Allowance. Assignments. Projects… Max out? Well, say hello to Mr. Stress! You have to learn how to cope with him cause stress can be everything from a big pain in the gut to a huge rush of adrenaline. Plus with exams just around the corner, we’ve got a list of last minute of last-minute do’s and don’ts for you during the exams. Check it out!

Self-help Therapy

If you feel the early warning signs of stress coming on, you should take some time off to relieve it. You should not let stress get the better of you (for obvious reasons) in the long run. Here’s a few suggestion for relaxation techniques that you can self-administer at home or at school, for you to regain your composure and feel a sense of wellness.

Close your eyes and picture yourself in a favorite relaxing place or a holiday – where were you? Who were you with? How did you feel? Then, start to focus and think about the pleasant thoughts from that event or place. Do this for about five – 10 minutes.

Sit down comfortably and slowly take a breath. Hold for four seconds and then exhale very slowly. During this time, relax your shoulders, smile and say something positive like, “I am relaxed” or “I am happy”. Repeat this exercise three to four times a day while taking a break or when you feel stress setting in.

Quick Calm
Close your eyes and place your hands on your belly button and concentrate. Take a slow and deep breath. Hold it till for a count of three, thinking “I am warm”. Exhale out on a count of three and think, “I am calm”. Repeat three steps until you feel soothed.

Tense and Relax
First tighten up, say, your hand muscle and notice how it feels. Then, hold the tension for a few seconds and pay attention to the feeling and concentrate on the difference between the two sensations. And lastly, release the tension, again noticing the difference. You can use this technique with the major muscle group first (arms and thighs). When you get the hang of it, try it from your head and moving downwards to the toes.

Alternative Therapy

In addition to modern medicine, there are also other forms of healing known as alternative or complementary therapies. Some of these have been traditional practices while others are newly found ones. If you’ve ever wondered about how these work, you can check out below, three commonly available alternatives.

Touch, which is the basis of massage, is in itself, soothing and relaxing. It increases and improves blood circulation and therefore helps rid tissue wastes that build up in muscle fibers (which cause aches and pains). It also encourages deeper breathing and relieves the tightening of muscles, headaches and neck aches, caused by stress. Massage using essential oils such as lavender, German chamomile, clary sage, bergamot and rose is a great way to reduce pain and enhance a sense of well-being.

When there is tension held in the musculature, the flow of chi is impaired through those areas. Such blockages can result in acute and chronic stress symptoms. Diagnosing whether there is insufficient, blockage or excess chi, and acupuncturist will use needles and cups or finger pressure (acupressure) to release tension and balance out the chi, which reduces pain from stress.

Essential oils are used in ointment form, baths, vaporizers, compressors or most commonly through burning in an aromatherapy burner. Once inhaled, aromatic signals are sent to the part of the brain where they exert a direct calming effect on the mind and emotions. Like drugs, the chemical constituents are carried through the bloodstream to all areas of the body, bringing about a sense of relaxation. Aromatherapy during exam time can decrease emotional stress, low self-esteem, and regulate hormones.