Last minute exam tips

Talking about stress, the exams are just around the corner! Facing the finals can be one heck-of-a unnerving experience, especially if yours is the “O” or “A” Levels. It’s stressful because the grades aren’t the end of it. Unfortunately, they involve your parents, friends and above all, your future!

All right, we shan’t harp on it anymore. And neither will we tell you how you should’ve gone about preparations. What’s crucial now is for you to stay level headed and focused. Compiled is a list of last-minute tips that will help you maximize your time as well as keep you on top of stress. With this, here’s wishing you a solid month ahead!

Stay Organized
“Do I have it?” and “Oh! Where is it?” are frequent cries of despair as one furtively searches high and low through a mile high pile of unsorted notes and books. The lack of carefully sorted material simply means more time spent hunting for much desired information. This is totally inefficient. While it may take some time mustering you study material, it’s definitely more productive than trying to work through disarray. So, if your notes are in a mess, catalogue them (files for every subject are a good idea). If you realize you’re missing bits, seek a friend’s copy and make a duplicate as soon as possible.

Keep It Clean
As crucial as having organized paperwork, a proper study environment needs up keeping allowing you to be in a right frame of mind (less stress). It’s a good idea to stick to one “work area”, preferably, your own room. Here, keep distraction (posters, clothes, knick knacks, etc) in the vicinity at bay; if it’s untidy, clean it up. On the study table, have only what you need for the subjects of study. Clutter free, calm and quiet is good for concentrating on facts and figures.

What The Clock (At Home)
Time will eat you alive if you do not be wise and prioritize, and the only way to combat its shortage is to live by a schedule. On the daily planner, list the tasks to be completed on an hourly basis. Be sure to also include meal times and periods for rest and relaxation. In another, the comprehensive planner is filled in to show daily objectives leading through the end of the exams. Follow your schedules religiously and thou shall reap the best out of a day.

Stay Healthy
Many students get bent out of shape trying to pull all-nighters and going the distance without giving their bodies ample rest and nutrition. Bottom-line: you can’t reach optimal performance if your body is not in working condition. Remember to eat and sleep right if you don’t want to miss valuable study time or any of the papers! Drink lots of water, much on fruits and give your bodily resistance a boost with vitamin supplements and eight hours of mandatory shut-eye.

Watch The Birdie
Once again, “All work and no play makes Jack and Jill pretty dull people”. You know the drill… chill! The exam period should never be a period spent entirely in the confines of libraries and the room at home (but neither should you leave your engine idling for too long). Play a game, swim, chat, get zapped for a couple of hours… you need a couple of hours loosening up and zoning out. Keep the day balanced like any other.

Stay Confident
The mind is a brilliant but straightforward piece of machinery; cared for, it will serve you well for a lifetime. Keep your mind perky with positive self-talk like, “I can do it”, “I am an individual capable of success”, “exams are fun & easy”. By doing so, you’re that much further away fro panic and blanking out at the exam hall. In the event of a “bad” paper, forget about it and move on. Divert all the negative energy towards striving for an even better performance in the next paper. Staying focused and confident is half the battle won.

· Staying up till four in the morning mugging; or burning the midnight lamp.
· Studying with pals at the airport and spending the night feasting at Swensen’s.
· Discussing the exam before and after, only to end up distracted or worse, more confused.
· Revising on the bed, cause you’re inviting sleep to rob the daylight from you saying, “I give up”.

On Exam Day:
· Pack your watch, stationery (plus extras), course specific tools (calculator, ruler, paintbrushes, etc.) and necessary identification.
· Get to the venue with at least half an hour to spare.
· Before the exam begins, close your eyes and picture yourself in a dimmed quiet place. Take a deep breath, hold, and exhale slowly. Repeat this breathing pattern until you’re feeling calm and settled. Open your eyes, put on a smile and you’re relaxed and ready to go.
· Read the examination instructions very carefully – they tell you exactly what is required.
· Check on how you’re doing with time. As far as possible, allocate an equal amount of time for all the questions.
· Take short breathers; have your eyes dart around. Wriggle your toes. Massage the writing hand. Tense the whole body for a full five seconds then relax.
· Finish your paper with at least 10 minutes to spare so that you can go through checking your answers.
· Check that you’ve put down your name and number on the answer sheets before handling them in.
· Head right home for a hot meal and shower.