Are you a jealous psycho?

We are all guilty of being jealous at one time or another. You know the feeling – can’t eat, can’t sleep, you just wannabe downright nasty to everyone… especially the idiot who calls himself your boyfriend. Could your feelings be justified or are you a green-eyed monster?

You know jealousy sucks. It’s no fun at all for you or your boyfriend. It gives you sleepless nights, makes your heartache and worst of all makes you look like an evil witch. You hate feeling this way and it’s not helping your relationship with your boyfriend one bit.

This awful feeling is quite complicated. Sure you don’t want to be a jealous monster, but do you have a right to feel so. There might be instances when you are just feeling insecure and times when you could be justified for reaching the way you do. Being able to tell the difference will help you deal with your jealousy better.

You feel a tinge of jealousy when he comments that his female class monitor has super sexy legs. You insist that he never speaks to or mentions her ever again and start spreading nasty rumors that she’s a slut.
You ask your boyfriend not to spend the whole night with his buds rating which gals are the sexiest at the party. You order him not to speak to or speak of anyone who’s not a guy.
You feel a little uncomfortable when your guy gets a call from his beautiful ex for no apparent reason. You note down her number and get your guy bud to call her every hour and make obscene noises. That will teach her to call your call!
You wonder if your boyfriend will misbehave on his all-guys night out at Zouk – his friends are all single and a little wild. You grill your boyfriend on whose going, their character flaws, favorite hobbies and ask at least two other people who know them well if they can be trusted. Just to make absolutely sure, you don a disguise and follow the gang around with your binoculars.

When jealousy strikes, these are some DOS and DON’TS to keep in mind:

· Do talk to a mutual friend who can give his/her objective view of the situation.

· Don’t moan to anyone you can remotely call a friend about how your boyfriend is such a cad.

· Do have a heart to heart with your boyfriend in private.

· Don’t rave and rant in front of his friends that he is a freaking liar.

· Do tell your darling to make things clear with his persistent ex – he is NOT available!

· Don’t stuff her school bag with dead cockroaches and a note attached; “Hands off my guy or I’ll crush you like a cockroach!”

· Do tell your guy that while you like his buds, you’ll like to spend time ALONE with his as well.

· Don’t insist on returning all his pages and making it absolutely clear that the both of you are a package – wherever he goes, you go too.

· Do explain that it makes you uncomfortable when your honey drools like a dog each time he sees a cool chick.

· Don’t order him to never ever mention any girl is gorgeous. So what if she happens to be Claire Danes.