How to protect your skin?

The upcoming weeklong break is a great time to soak up the sun and have fun by the beach. But before you hit the water, here a re some tips to protecting your skin.

Sun protection
A sunscreen is a must before your skin is exposed to the sun. These are creams or lotions, which protect the skin from the damaging effects or ultraviolet radiation from the sun. They are applied to prevent burning while allowing the skin to tan.

Before you rush into the sun and burn yourself red, keep this in mind. Sunburn is bad because it actually means your skin is damaged – permanently. This could lead to wrinkles and skin cancer later. And it will definitely be a painful experience when your skin starts to peel.

This is what you should do before hitting the beach:
· Start by drying your skin well. Then apply sunscreen lotion all over your face and body at least half an hour before you go into the sun.
· Wait for about 20 minutes for the lotion to be properly absorbed by the body before putting on your clothes or swimsuit.
· Reapply the sunscreen frequently. Every two hours, or every hour if you have been swimming, even with a waterproof sunscreen.
· With non-water resistant sunscreen, re-apply as soon as you get out of the water, after drying yourself.
· Avoid the sun when it is strongest – between 10am and 2pm.

What does SPF mean?
Sunscreens are graded according to the degree of protection they offer. The higher the SPF the greater the protection. Here’s a guide to choosing the right SPF for your skin type.
Skin Type Recommended SPF
Skin always burns, never tans 8 & above
Burns often, tans minimally 6 to 7
Tans gradually, burns sometimes 4 to 5
Always tans, burns rarely 2
Never burns, dark skin 1

Start with a sunscreen with an SPF of 10 to 15 if you are fair skinned. Those with darker skin can use a sunscreen with an SPF of 6 to 8. As the skin tans, you can lower the SPF.

Fake it
You don’t have to roast in the sun to get a tan. A good range of self-tanning products is now available on the market, which can give you a bronzed look without the burns, rashes or health risks. Here’s how to get the best results out of self-tanners.

· Before you apply the self-tan, exfoliate your skin with a body scrub so the fake tan will apply evenly.
· Apply the creams with long up and down strokes to get your color on evenly.
· Go easy on tricky spots like feet, ankles, knees, elbows and necks. You could even the color on these parts by wiping them down with an old, dry towel.
· Wash your hands immediately after applying self-tan lotion, paying extra attention to cleaning under your nails.
· Self-tan lotions take at least 45 minutes to dry, so wait that long before putting your clothes back on.

After sun care
Exposure to the sun strips of its moisture. This could result in flaking, itching and peeling. To keep your skin smooth and supple, apply an after sun lotion to moisturize it. These lotions will also help to prolong the tan.

Burning questions answered
Q: Do I have to use a sunscreen on a cloudy day?
Yes, because even on a cloudy day, up to 80% of UV rays penetrate the clouds. Many get the worst burns on a cloudy day because they do not feel the heat of the sun and hence do not apply any sunscreen.

Q: If I spend most of my time underwater, do I need a sunscreen?
In fact, water reflects and intensifies the sun’s rays. Wet skin also burns more quickly. So a waterproof sunscreen is definitely a must.

Q: Why does my skin break out in a red rash after being in the sun?
You could have sensitive skin, which does not agree with your sunscreen lotion. Go for lotions that are especially formulated for sensitive skins.