To those attitude guys: "I think you need a certain temperament. In some ways you're in our group, you've got to be able to take your share of joking."

Fifty years ago, the 45-rpm "single " created an entire culture based on the frenzied three-minute playing time.

In the sixties this was surpassed by the dinner-plate-size slab of vinyl known as the LP.

In the 1990s, the CD arrived and suddenly artists had a full hour to fill. So they filled it with second-rate offerings.

"They have a couple of songs and then the rest isn't very good. They're just trying to get the royalty rate for twelve tracks." Stephan Jenkins of rock group Third Eye Blind.


Try some of these quizzes for fun.
Are you a pushover? Are you too choosy?
Will your love last? Are you a slob?
Over-achiever or simple slacker Pantene hair health index test


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